Welcome to a website example of a fellow F1 Fan. It's my first project uploaded on Github, so hopefully it won't be "that bad" as they say.

Site is written using HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap. I've also used 2 templates found on the internet (with the main one being Nicola Tolin's "Arizona" template). Hence, this website is on MIT license as well.

If you want to know more about me, click the logo in the top "F1 Matejs", it will lead you to my bio :)


But why is this one about F1? Honestly, no reason in particular. I'm just a fan, and I think F1 shots can fit nicely into Vintage scenario.
And since I got your attention already... can I ask you to read an article below?

"-You said at the start of the season that your priority this season is not winning the title, but fighting for diversity. Where does the sporting side of F1 come on your scale of life priorities right now?


-The sporting side for me is my life, it’s my job. But right now I’d say it’s number two. But I wouldn’t be able to do the other things without the racing so it’s a close second, but what’s really in my heart right now is that I want to work with people, I want to educate myself more, but I also want to encourage those around me to get more educated. It’s taking a lot of time, getting on calls with the people running Formula 1, saying to them: “What are we doing? How can we be more efficient in raising awareness? How can we make sure that the future of Formula 1 and motorsport is more diverse?” It’s never taking no for an answer. So on the racing side, I still have to be the best and work at being the best, and that requires just as much time, but that’s enjoyment, that’s fun for me. Racing is what I’ve wanted to do since I was kid. The questions over diversity, that’s a struggle, that’s a real fight… one that’s not going to be easily won."

Quotation of Lewis Hamilton's interview speaking about diversity. Lewis is a sportsman, Formula 1 driver and a wise man using his influence to share the good vibe. Recently, he's been focused on equality matters.

Source: https://en.as.com/ *click*
Interview link *click*